Thursday, 23 May 2013

Prophetic Design

Noah's Ark... When it was built, the world must have thought, "WHAT IS THAT???" (that's the polite version)

Constructed inland?, to massive dimensions? Why? What for? it would have seemed an insane venture.
However, when the environment, SUDDENLY changed, the ark's design and purpose, SUDDENLY, made sense! Those that mocked and scoffed at what God had required of Noah, laughed no more!

Individually and corporately, we can sometimes wonder, what on earth we are meant to be, in this life?

We don't fit in, we don't seem to function in the place we stand. Others may not know what to do with you? We are of course looking for that city to come, but while we are here, it can be frustrating if we are not positioned where our talents, gifts and heart-call need to be.

Take heart, The Lord is clear with His friends! "Shall we not tell Abram, what we are about to do?"
If He hasn't yet shown you why HE is reforming you in Jesus Christ, the way He is currently choosing to, He will do soon.

Do you feel like a fish out of water? Well let God sanctify and change you from glory to glory (for His glory). Don't misinterpret, what is actually training!

His design for you, right now, might make you feel unusable, quirky, grounded all the time - like Noah's Ark?

At some point, if we are faithful in the small things, God will bring about the specific environment we were made for!

A boat is designed for the water; a space shuttle is designed for journeying beyond earth's atmosphere; a motor car for driving on roads. However a boat on dry land and a car in the sea... awkward !!! ha ha.

We all, as PART, of the body of Christ, have a bespoke arena that we are called to. Receive God's training with Thankfulness and Joy! Then, when God places us into a different scenario, like the ark, what God designed us to be, will make sense !

There are "prototype people" and ministries, who are being trained and formed for "landscapes", (social, spiritual and physical), that no one has ever seen yet... like the sudden world flood in Noah's day. It is, therefore, understandable that they feel like a square peg in a round hole. Again, take heart... what you were born for is, like a change in weather or terrain, about to introduce itself, IF you obey The Lord in everything; then you will be who He, say's you are.

Ask God for further revelation about His plans for you and others; that will also help us be patient and  bear with others, when we see them as God intends.

David Robinson

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