Saturday, 11 May 2013

A word for All the Forerunners, in the UK

Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there? WHY THEN IS NOT THE HEALTH OF THE DAUGHTER OF MY PEOPLE RECOVERED. (Jeremiah 8:22)

Come let us return to the Lord. He has broken us but He will heal us. Let us move on. Let us press on.

Why then do you sit in despair. Do you not know that there is so much more. So much more enjoyment of life. So much more PEACE.  But you must work with me. Work with my directions because the night is full of terror. The valley is too deep. Only I know the WAY. Only I can guide you through this.  IN ME you have peace.

It is time to take responsibility. That which you attribute to your enemy is not really but has more to do with your own pain. Time to finally admitt your need. Time to repent.

I am gentle and kind and you will find rest for your soul in this life and the next. I came to bring LIFE.

Your words cause turmoil. You live in the result of what you believe and say within yourselves. You build up and with your words you tear down. You do well to discern but you tolerate those who would see you destroyed. DON’T SAY ANYTHING whilst you are in the desert because I test you to see if you can handle the PROMISED LAND. Each of you has a promise. A life that I always intended. But will you pass the test and MOVE ON.

I am kind, patient and gentle and give grace to the HUMBLE. I meet you where you are at NOW,but DON’T CAMP HERE.

But you say... "we have done everything we know how to do...we have pursued you". So start there.  Begin by being BROKEN AND HUMBLE. Begin by taking responsibility. Begin by saying that you have tried your best and are still not healed. I GIVE GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.

It’s not theory; try for yourselves...

Daniel Chuter

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