Friday, 31 May 2013

All Is Stripped Away

Work within God’s plan at this time.  Are you feeling constrained... restricted... cut back.  You must react with a thankful heart.  Does it seem unfair... does it look like everyone else is free and your not.  GOD KNOWS WHAT IT COSTS YOU TO STAY ABOVE WATER AT THE MOMENT.

When the Jews were in the wilderness all they could see everyday was desert,  all they could feel was thirst.  But God was TESTING them to see if they would follow Him.  GOD IS ALLOWING THIS TO SEE WHATS IN YOUR HEART.  They had a choice... moan and get bitter and WANDER or SUBMIT and remember The Lord.

If He marked our iniquities who would stand...we all like sheep have gone astray.  God disciplines those He loves... He saves us from ourselves.

The Cannon of Scripture

Come in the opposite spirit.  The enemy is trying to cause you to be bitter and stay in that offence.  Praise is a powerful weapon.

This is a season of preparation if you are pruned it is to bear more fruit.  If all is stripped away it is because He Has an eye and a hand upon you for greater things.  But remember that HE IS YOUR REWARD.  His approval His affirmation.

There is so much more so... IF HE IS SAYING GO FORWARD THERE IS A REASON.


Daniel Chuter

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

God Disciplines Those That He Loves

It is time to SUBMIT to the process. We humble ourselves and He lifts us up when He is ready.  Be careful of trying to make things happen.

There is a very clear distinction coming between things done in the spirit and things done in the flesh.  In the past there was more room and grace for our pain. There is always GRACE and patience but now God is declaring that we just need to trust Him and not question so severely.

The route to healing is by moving forward. To the man born blind he had no real point of reference, other than to trust the voice of Him who called him forth.

Work thankfully with whatever you have in your life at present. Be on the alert at the same time. THE ENEMY ROAMS AROUND LOOKING FOR THOSE THAT HE CAN DEVOUR... but do not be afraid... God is one step ahead... ONE HUNDRED STEPS AHEAD.


If you allow Him He will open the eyes of your heart fully. In time you will stand up tall and breath... saying... WHAT EXCITING THING WILL WE DO TODAY LORD... WHO CAN I BLESS.

He has heard your deepest cries from the deep. He will BREAK the pattern!!!

Daniel Chuter


We live in times where everyone’s individual experience is valid and relevant. This is not a bad thing when we measure our experience by the ONE TRUE STANDARD.

It is time to be armed with NOTHING BUT THE CROSS. Paul claimed to come in fear and trembling because he had no worldly wisdom with which to help people. The worlds wisdom is not enough.

Be careful in these days not to be carried away by your own emotions and feelings no matter how strong.  God made us to experience and to feel but THERE IS A WAY. A standard by which all else is measured. In Genesis, chapter 4, Abel and Cain brought to God offerings from their own understanding. Abel seemed to comprehend that God would only recognise the sacrificial system that God had already established. Cain was like we can be. The elder brother in Luke 15 had stayed in the field and resented what God had embraced in his brother’s return. Be careful not to despise what God choses to do besides you. We like to think that we must be included in all that God does. BUT HE IS GOD.

Do not continue to struggle in silence and make the mistake that it is ‘spiritual’ to suffer. As He passes by throw yourselves upon His mercy. HE IS MOVING AND THERE IS A REASON THAT HE IS ASKING YOU TO MOVE WITH HIM.

Many of us have had an intellectual understanding of God, very often based merely on what someone else has told us. THOSE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD WILL DO EXPLOITS. There is ADVENTURE BEFORE YOU.

 "So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,
I will vomit you out of My mouth.
Revelation 3:16

Daniel Chuter

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Prophetic Design

Noah's Ark... When it was built, the world must have thought, "WHAT IS THAT???" (that's the polite version)

Constructed inland?, to massive dimensions? Why? What for? it would have seemed an insane venture.
However, when the environment, SUDDENLY changed, the ark's design and purpose, SUDDENLY, made sense! Those that mocked and scoffed at what God had required of Noah, laughed no more!

Individually and corporately, we can sometimes wonder, what on earth we are meant to be, in this life?

We don't fit in, we don't seem to function in the place we stand. Others may not know what to do with you? We are of course looking for that city to come, but while we are here, it can be frustrating if we are not positioned where our talents, gifts and heart-call need to be.

Take heart, The Lord is clear with His friends! "Shall we not tell Abram, what we are about to do?"
If He hasn't yet shown you why HE is reforming you in Jesus Christ, the way He is currently choosing to, He will do soon.

Do you feel like a fish out of water? Well let God sanctify and change you from glory to glory (for His glory). Don't misinterpret, what is actually training!

His design for you, right now, might make you feel unusable, quirky, grounded all the time - like Noah's Ark?

At some point, if we are faithful in the small things, God will bring about the specific environment we were made for!

A boat is designed for the water; a space shuttle is designed for journeying beyond earth's atmosphere; a motor car for driving on roads. However a boat on dry land and a car in the sea... awkward !!! ha ha.

We all, as PART, of the body of Christ, have a bespoke arena that we are called to. Receive God's training with Thankfulness and Joy! Then, when God places us into a different scenario, like the ark, what God designed us to be, will make sense !

There are "prototype people" and ministries, who are being trained and formed for "landscapes", (social, spiritual and physical), that no one has ever seen yet... like the sudden world flood in Noah's day. It is, therefore, understandable that they feel like a square peg in a round hole. Again, take heart... what you were born for is, like a change in weather or terrain, about to introduce itself, IF you obey The Lord in everything; then you will be who He, say's you are.

Ask God for further revelation about His plans for you and others; that will also help us be patient and  bear with others, when we see them as God intends.

David Robinson

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Jesus Challenged Us

“what do you mean that you want it all, we haven’t got enough for ourselves’

Abandon it all to gain it all. Jesus challenged us.  His words were SHARP.  He said... ’he that loveth his life shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto eternity’. John 12:25.
He gave it all to gain it ALL.

He is ASKING YOU FOR A DRINK John 4:7... Think about that... When you are so thirsty. When it's so oppressive in the heat of the day. Do you think it’s because God has a need... He is the God of the universe. The CREATOR of ALL THINGS. I think it;s just an ICE BREAKER in your conversation with Him... He wants to chat He wants to Heal!!!

Give Him from what is important to you, it shows how much you really love Him.

He responds to sacrifice.  He is not looking for lots of material things, but your HEART...  Your best.

Gideon was hiding what little he did have and one chat with the creator caused him to give up even what he did have. Elisha was ploughing and he gave up all to follow Elijah.

Be careful not to be cynical. Don’t say... ‘but I have heard it all’. Don’t be like the elder brother and despise what God wants to do. You will get as much as you dare. BE A CHEERFUL GIVER.


Now is a time not to protect what little you have but to abandon even that.

We are living in days when obedience is the route to the healing that we have longed for.

Daniel Chuter

Sunday, 12 May 2013

‘Whatsoever ‘ by Lynne Hamilton

I have learned that the best way to overcome a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. If we simply attempt to give up a negative without applying a positive we leave a void into which other negatives will be attracted, to our detriment.

This year at Forerunners our specific mandate requires us to OVERCOME NEGATIVITY, DEVELOP IN HOPE. As per usual, every new year the thing God wants us to change in manifests itself stronger for the first few months, causing issues! I don’t worry about this because I realise that manifestation is necessary as part of the exiting process and it will tantrum before it leaves.

Personally, I am very interested in and drawn towards JOY, and living a joyous life which glorifies God. This is a grand desire but it has enemies – NEGATIVITY being the main culprit. Of course the Bible offers the answers to all of our human dilemmas, and PHILIPPIANS CH. 4 gives us vital keys to combat negativity. Ch. 4:4 says “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, REJOICE.” Easier said than done I reckon! If the rejoicing is to be truly authentic rather than phoney ‘hyperfaith’ theatrics, then we need to use scripture correctly and literally ‘talk our way out’ from under depressive, oppressive, despairing wet blankets which murder our hopes and dreams and cause us to rot away from the inside out.

NEGATIVITY is a killer and thwarts God’s purposes in our lives – it was the very thing which prevented the Israelites from being permitted to enter the Promised Land. In scripture the words NEGATIVITY AND UNBELIEF are used interchangeably when referring to the attitude and behavior of the Israelites. Very sad.

I want my Promised Land/Destiny! How about you? The battle is won or lost in the arena of the mind, so we must strengthen our mind and load it up with God’s principles so that there is simply no room left for demonic party-poopers. In the words of Billy Joel –‘This is MY life’!

Philippians Ch. 4:8 exhorts us ‘Finally, brethren, WHATSOEVER things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, think on these things.’ Quite a list! True, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtue, praise.

Our mind-sets are the same as our heart – beliefs, and if the mouth speaks what the heart is full of, our belief system will be revealed through the words we choose to speak. Notice the word ‘CHOOSE’! In breaking a habit, CHOICE is involved. As we ‘think on’ the positive virtues listed in this passage, and choose to ONLY speak accordingly, our mental negatives will whither and die of starvation. We are empowered to change.

If our words are our enemy, we can spend up BIG investing them in one another. We have responsibility to steward our own lives and build into one another’s lives.  Could it start today? Habits are usually DAILY so a good DAILY exercise would be to think about someone we know and find a way to encourage something from the above list towards them, e.g. ‘If there be any VIRTUE’? Surely everyone has something worth commending? Praise overrules criticism.  The healthy result of this will be verse 7,”And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. The onflow of this will be JOY, and we will reap what we have sown. So lets’ apply ourselves to the WHATSOEVERS and break the cycles of NEGATIVITY in the world around us. We know we can.

You are all so beautiful,

Apostle Lynne

Saturday, 11 May 2013

A word for All the Forerunners, in the UK

Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there? WHY THEN IS NOT THE HEALTH OF THE DAUGHTER OF MY PEOPLE RECOVERED. (Jeremiah 8:22)

Come let us return to the Lord. He has broken us but He will heal us. Let us move on. Let us press on.

Why then do you sit in despair. Do you not know that there is so much more. So much more enjoyment of life. So much more PEACE.  But you must work with me. Work with my directions because the night is full of terror. The valley is too deep. Only I know the WAY. Only I can guide you through this.  IN ME you have peace.

It is time to take responsibility. That which you attribute to your enemy is not really but has more to do with your own pain. Time to finally admitt your need. Time to repent.

I am gentle and kind and you will find rest for your soul in this life and the next. I came to bring LIFE.

Your words cause turmoil. You live in the result of what you believe and say within yourselves. You build up and with your words you tear down. You do well to discern but you tolerate those who would see you destroyed. DON’T SAY ANYTHING whilst you are in the desert because I test you to see if you can handle the PROMISED LAND. Each of you has a promise. A life that I always intended. But will you pass the test and MOVE ON.

I am kind, patient and gentle and give grace to the HUMBLE. I meet you where you are at NOW,but DON’T CAMP HERE.

But you say... "we have done everything we know how to do...we have pursued you". So start there.  Begin by being BROKEN AND HUMBLE. Begin by taking responsibility. Begin by saying that you have tried your best and are still not healed. I GIVE GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.

It’s not theory; try for yourselves...

Daniel Chuter