A Prophetic Word for the City of Bath, England.
We are living in times that is seeing increasing division between God’s values and religions agenda.
As David was rejected by king Saul, so too are my true chosen being called. Don’t be surprised that as I call you, people will be increasingly distant. Too many people want to be affirmed by each other more than the approval that comes only from God.
The way in which God prepares someone to lead is the way of the wilderness.
Do not be surprised by what happens around you and in your own heart. God is jealous for your attention. He wants you and ALL of you.
The old acceptable ways are being passed over. God wants your HEART.
There is increasing talk of intimacy, but more importantly is humility. Surely as we draw close to God in truth we see our own pride. Jesus learnt obedience through suffering but the suffering we define has more to do with our own bad choices. Intimacy is knowing how weak we are and selfish without the love of God.
We cannot really change our lives but God is willing to help us, but He RESISTS THE PROUD.
Surely He provides a lifeline…surely He brings hope.
We have far too many selfish ambitions….rather we should come to Him and admit that we are in a mess because of our own mistakes.
So what must we do… REPENT
It is the kindness of God that leads to change… GOD HAVE MERCY!!!!
Nothing but the resurrection power of jesus will help us but far too many of us want it on our own merit.
Tell God the truth about how you really feel and why you feel you are in a mess… and let Him answer... maybe He sees it all very differently.
Daniel Chuter