Friday, 24 January 2014

A Prophetic Word for France

The fields are ripe for the harvest - Disillusionment has set in but I am allowing this vacuum, that only I can fill. I will draw those to me who will know me and obey me. There are many who are searching for me in this land.

My cry to this nation is Repentance from dead works. You think you are rich and have no need of me. Come to me the well of living water. The Fire of God will purify the church. Spiritual streams will spring up across this land. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Those who hear my voice and will let me in will receive the living water I have promised them.

I have seen the seeds of the martyr's blood sown into your soil. I will multiply the increase. From this sacrifice multitudes will come to me because of the sowing of these seeds. My church needs to continually pray for righteousness in the government at all levels. As my prophets and apostles rise up in the church and the market place, my church will be purified and powerful thru the right governmental authority and doctrine.

Given by Rev Ruth Paddon
January 2013. Nice, France