For two months now, I have been spiritually ''seeing'' islam encroaching upon London, in an extremely deadly fashion. I have been interceding of course, but the Nation of England is reaping some very bad ''sowing'' now, concerning Muslim “SHARI’AH LAW” being permitted into their Nation's legal realm. Father GOD is becoming increasingly unhappy with England and her choices to embrace the spirit of evil islam. In this respect, Christ is NOT respected in the English people and Government as He ought, and a darkness has entered England's ''spirit-sphere'' as a consequence, that will effect the entire future destiny that GOD HAD for England just one decade ago.
This past ten years has been a defining and ''testing'' time for England and her Christians too, resulting in some major, sad, failures. Christ JESUS is no longer esteemed as ''LORD'' over England, by her LEADERS, therefore darkness has ''permissible'' levels of influence within every non-Christian hearted school, university, company, people group, village, town, city, region and shire in England, and more manifestations of natural disasters, man-caused disasters, demonically inspired chaos and destruction, will occur now from April 2014, until the Christians of England repent of ''lure-warmness'', apathy, idolatry, witchcraft, ''pride'', cold-heartedness, anti-Christ spirit, jezebel spirit, and false prophet spirit. These are all negative strongholds in much of the Christian population of beloved England. You must therefore repent and be cleansed dear England, fast and pray that FATHER GOD AND JESUS CHRIST, send the HOLY SPIRIT to enable the transformation from sinner to ''BORN AGAIN'' CHRISTIAN, for many whom call themselves Christian in Church buildings, throughout England.
God will pour out HIS SPIRIT OF REVIVAL AND ETERNAL LIFE, in England, before HE RETURNS TO EARTH. Though He also has some serious ''pre-revival'' cleansing to achieve before-hand, or else nearly NO-ONE will be able to STAND in HIS PRESENCE throughout this powerfully supernatural realm manifests in this ancient land of ''blood-shedding'' , ''warfare'' , ''witchcraft'' , ''pagan gods'' , and rebellions against both man and GOD !!!! MUCH NEEDS TO BE DONE to correct the wrongs committed in ENGLAND, and ''IN ENGLAND'S NAME'' abroad !!!! And it cannot happen easily, gently or without OPEN REAPING, before the Nations of the world. England's repentance must now be witnessed by all Nations, and covered in prayer by all true Christians.
The TRUE AND FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN in England will know great protection through these darker days ahead in England, and they shall indeed be spared major evil cursing and consequences, which the rest of the Nation is about to experience. The severity of the consequences will depend on how long it takes England's ''lukewarm'' Christian to TRULY repent, and become ''CHRIST-LIKE''. English Christians whom are darkened now, via sinning and mocking JESUS CHRIST, will go through much trial in the coming months and years, for their sin and hypocrisy has angered God to judgement now, for HIS MERCY was not utilised unto repentance in this last season of love and compassion toward the wayward people of God, and the English population in general. God is grieved, now He acts, to get HIS desired result another way. God LOVES ENGLAND, so much, but chastising love is deemed necessary now, unfortunately, by GOD.
May JESUS CHRIST bless and keep close, HIS PEOPLE and NATION of England. Amen.
Tim Cassidy (Gold Coast Australia)
April 2014