Sunday, 28 April 2013

King Herod

The very first action of Barack Obama, when he first became president, was to repeal the "Mexico City Policy". It was a major statute restricting abortion in the USA. Not long after that, the week he visited Mexico City (April 2009), Swine flu originated and broke out, from this very city, spreading across the world.

On Friday 26th April 2013, President Obama became the first sitting President to give an address to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the USA's largest abortion provider. It's doctors kill over 300,000 unborn children every year. The President closed his remarks to this group with a rousing show of support for Planned Parenthood and for a mother's right to have her unborn child killed.

Mr Obama said: "As long as we've got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and as long as we've got to fight to protect a woman's right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you've also got a president who's going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way. Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you."

"God bless you"??? - are you serious Mr President? So which god are you referring to then?… Molech?

Here's a quote by the real God, that should be taken to heart, seriously! : "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness" (Isaiah 5:20)

David Robinson

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Father Of Lights: We Are Without Excuse

"Now it came about in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was by the river Chebar among the exiles, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God."
(Ezekiel 1:1)

"As I looked, behold, a storm wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing forth continually and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire."
 (Ezekiel 1:4)
The "Northern Lights"

"And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance."
(Revelation 4:3)

We are without excuse... Creation is shouting His name.

(words in bold, emphasis mine)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A word for the nation


Be careful to remember me.  I am the only one that can help you. I was the only one who could deliver Jonah. I made you great as an Empire, known throughout the world. I raised those who freed you from slavery. I raised up Wesley to bring you back to me.

In the wilderness Israel fell in idolatry. They made a calf and claimed that it had delivered them. To the prophet Hosea I showed my heart again. Because the nation didn’t recognise that I was the one who had helped them.

Before you react in anger... remember me.

I have longed to embrace you. I have loved you and waited patiently for you. I understand your hurt and see your pain. Yet you turn away and say..."no one understands";  "Why then is all this happening to me", you say.

If I don’t explain everything will you still love me. Will you trust me.

Yet this is more important. It is a crucial time. If I encourage you forward THERE IS A REASON. It is much simpler. NO ONE ELSE CAN HELP YOU. I am gentle and kind and I can help you. DO NOT SUFFER IN SILENCE.  If it hurts to put your hand in the fire then why do it.

Work with me. Allow me to do what I do best.  It is hard for you to struggle.

Daniel Chuter

Saturday, 13 April 2013

About Margret Thatcher... R.I.P.

Matthew 6:14-20*
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

What ever your opinion of Margaret Thatcher as a politician and/or person, the current mood of vitriolic hatred that it being displayed in the media and from various groups and individuals in the UK, is disturbing. NOT a good thing!

It is understandable for those that suffered during the miners strike etc that unhealed wounds have been reopened; On one level, people must be allowed to express themselves; but there is a cultivating of hate and bitterness brewing, from various groups with various agendas, that will leave a worse legacy on the destiny of the UK, than a politician ever could.

For those that have celebrated (including riots in Bristol?) in the streets at news of her death recently... we all will be judged by God.

I grew up under her elected government. I have mixed personal opinions about her ideas, policies and effect on the nation. There were some important things she did that were good for the nation. As a politician, her 'yes' was yes! and her 'no' was no! She didn't compromise her convictions in relation to public opinion poles (rightly or wrongly in retrospect). We knew where we stood with her, because we knew where she stood.

Please pray that the U.K. culture does not adopt an UNFORGIVING spirit in relation to Margaret Thatcher. We are commanded in scripture to pray for our governments. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. (therefore Unkindness is not!)

Even if someone has a legitimate grievance against her and the cabinet of the day, we still MUST forgive!!! We also need to acknowledge and appreciate the things she did right! Conversely, we're praying that Pro-Thatcher individuals and groups do not "crow" in an insensitive manner, as they are apt to do.

We have prayed for this... especially for the day of her funeral on 17th April 2013. Considering the £10,000,000 of public funds, price tag for her funeral - We sense real trouble ahead.

However, God still requires us to forgive!

Please note: this is a personal article only and does not necessarily represent the official views of Forerunners Ministries UK

David Robinson

Saturday, 6 April 2013

False Witness

Proverbs 6:16-19
These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, A FALSE WITNESS WHO SPEAKS LIES, and one who sows discord among brethren.

If we love God then we will love what He loves and hate what He hates. God is capable of hate, as we can see from the above scripture. He has feelings and I have grown to care about them. I also know that He cares deeply about how I feel.

Most of the New Testament addresses the way in which we, His children, treat one another. He cares deeply about this and Jesus made it very clear that His main desire is that we love one another. The church at large is presently sailing treacherous waters since we are in the very last days and the scriptures pertaining to them. The wheat and the tares are growing fast together.

Years ago I was impacted by the opening chapter of Rick Joyner’s book The Final Quest, which described a vision he had seen of the awful behavior of the saints towards each other, as they fell under the influence of the end time demonic hordes who drove them to extreme hateful antics. I remember thinking that this must break the Fathers’ heart. It does.

As an apostle I am burdened both by and for the church, and in recent times have been afflicted by many attacks of FALSE WITNESS which have been weapons formed against me. I am not writing this article in an attempt to defend myself – God will defend me – but rather to appeal to Christians who name the name of Jesus Christ yet are pro-active in broadcasting untruths about other Christians.

We are regularly warned from pulpits all over the world concerning the issue of GOSSIP, and so we should take heed. There is a difference between GOSSIP and FALSE WITNESS though, since it is possible to gossip the truth about people and things yet be violating a confidence and broadcasting things which should remain private and confidential. Just because we know something does not mean we have permission to inform others.

FALSE WITNESS however is lying about someone or something supposedly pertaining to them. It’s about broadcasting the wrong facts on purpose in order to discredit them by attacking their character or name. It can ruin a persons’ good reputation and is a gross evil, which is why God hates it. It can be fueled by jealously, envy, revenge or pure malice, or even by pharisaical religious zeal wanting to ‘fix’ someone, which is pure vindictiveness. It is a spirit of MALICE, which means ‘active ill-will!’ The devil is the ‘father of lies’ and those who insist on practicing FALSE WITNESS are in danger of becoming his children if they don’t arrest their tongues!

One of the ways this spirit has attacked me personally has been via assumption and presumptuous judgmentalism i.e. some people have presumed to know what they ‘think’ I believe, have been opposed to it and judged me by it and then broadcast it to anyone who would listen to their opinion of the supposed ‘error of my ways/ false doctrine’ etc. This results in me being misrepresented and lied about in and to the public arena, causing people to suspect and distrust me as a minister.

Of course I’m not the only minister victimized by this. Rick Joyner and others have whole websites dedicated to destroying them! I am not claiming to be on their level and I don’t have a persecution complex. My main concern is that the saints and other ministers should STOP practicing these behaviours – IF they love God that is?

How the devil loves it when the saints slander one another and fight on FACEBOOK and other electronic media! Especially if they name one another in a way that exposes them. This is disgusting and the PROPHET in me must WARN about it. Why? Because God’s children must walk in a manner worthy of our call. Apostles are burdened and in labour UNTIL Christ (not the enemy) is formed within the saints.

Something to consider – how do you know that what you are being told about someone is the truth? If it’s something negative and unsavory it should not be passed on even if it is true – we can pray for people if we believe them to be wrong. The scripture warns us not to ‘judge the servant of another’ (Romans 14:4,10)

It’s interesting to me that in Proverbs 6 it says that God hates the PERSON who speaks the lies! Wow! That’s serious! Personally I don’t wish to be hated by God. There are other places in scripture where God is said to hate the PERSON/PEOPLE. I am grateful for His grace and the time He gives to us to repent. Please guys – we live in a nasty world plagued with opinions and arguments, arrogance and criticism, fault – finding, mocking and ridicule, competition and bitterness. This should not be within the Bride of Christ, and one more point please- criticism is NOT ‘truth spoken in love’, as some use as an excuse. Love is KIND – can we be please be KIND TO GOD?

Grace to you all,

Apostle Lynne Hamilton

Friday, 5 April 2013

Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord

When my soul fainted within me Jonah 2:7.

It is good to recognise our complete poverty of Spirit and ability to improve our own lives. In the context of the story of Jonah, we can see that the hinge point of the process of his deliverance from his situation was that he finally came to the end of his own strength and ability.

It is like approaching the shore when at sea in a storm. Each of you is like a ship at sea. The storms of life come and you are tossed to and fro. Fear rises in you and even panic and the boat is totally un stable.

You have a choice even when it seems that you don’t. The choice is the same as that which faced Jonah. Will we continue to struggle and endanger the boat or calm down and humble ourselves. At this point Jonah REMEMBERED The Lord. This is purely a point of crisis. This is between you and Him.  It’s not about going to church or meetings, but it can be, it’s about recalling and crying out.

Even in the darkness He is with you. In Him there is no darkness. He will not put out a smouldering wick or bruised reed. He longs to embrace you.

Before you rock the boat any further REMEMBER HIM.

Are you sick of the tormenting thoughts. Are you wondering if you will ever find peace. He waits to hear what YOU have to say. It can be helpful what people advice but YOU need to know for yourself.  He is on your side. He wants to give you hope and joy.

Don’t SUFFER IN SILENCE. Your opinion matters. Job suffered immensely and God declared that He was right compared to the advice that he was given, but that He was wrong compared to who God is and what He can do.


Daniel Chuter