All who are thirsty come to the source of living water. Fall into the arms of the one who fore-ran. His sacrifice satisfies the justice of a loving God. He alone paid the price. He alone gave His life's blood. He alone breaks the burden. He alone is worthy.
We stand in His shadow. We hide under His wing. We climb up onto the rock by Him. He weathers the storm.
Tell Him what troubles you. He cares about what makes you worry. He won’t put out a flickering flame.
In a dry and thirsty land He alone is the origin of REST. O how we need REST. O how we pant for streams of living water.
So collapse into His arms. SPEND THE DAY IN HIS COURTS. Enter His gates with thanksgiving.
Deep satisfaction and rest is what we crave for. He alone can help. His embrace is the answer. He has melted us with His love. We have caught His eye. He turns to look. YOU HAVE HIS ATTENTION. This is no small thing because He is always moving forward. Like a flowing river.
DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE. He cares. Don’t base your theology on what you have been led to believe, He is like. He is above and beyond. He is the creator of ALL things and more than able to fulfil your hearts desires.
The flow pushes every lie and obstacle out of it’s. Nothing can dam up what is due to come to you from down stream. But HE ALONE moves forward, we must rest back
Daniel Chuter