Saturday, 22 December 2012

The Lord is with you!

Facing giants alone?
People around you, doubting you all the time?

Turn up and meet the enemy head-on anyway! 
- because The Lord is with you; and that's all that counts in the end!


Sunday, 16 December 2012


In our mandate for this year we are looking at the concept of Honour. What it is to Honour God and each other?

In looking at this it is good to examine how we can apply this in our lives. A good example of this can be seen in the story of the Exodus of God’s people from SLAVERY in Egypt. It is interesting to look at this, at this time of year, because we at Forerunners have been challenged to study various traditions and what just is involved. With this in mind we look at maturing in terms of being able to choose just what we do follow. We hope by now that we are able to discern between what is merely following man’s tradition and being free to Honour God. This is a difficult and, sometimes, unpopular thing. In this example and many similar ones, God seeks to gain the Honour and respect of having the final victory. God is a jealous God and will have the final word at the end of time. Indeed the victory He acheived was unpopular and disputed even now, but in the end... every knee will bow!

I WILL GAIN HONOUR (Exodus 14:17)

In this story we know there has been a struggle between Pharoh and Moses... God’s people were finally freed because He had the last word. The BLOOD OF JESUS was and is the final word, which satisfies and defeats the enemy. Because of this, we are free to discern and do not have to be slaves to the tradition of men.

Who will be HONOURED at the end of it all.  Indeed we have a choice, but what choice best Honours God and His people?


Thursday, 13 December 2012

We have toiled all night.

We have toiled all night.

Nevertheless at your word I will let down the net (Luke 5:5). We have worked hard in our own strength and become weary and some have fainted. We have struggled between flesh and spirit but God has been good to us. He is always good to us... yet we reap what we sow.  If we sow to the flesh we reap destruction. We are consumed by you O, God. We are saved as through fire.


It is not by power or might though many of us have relied on our ability. It is a time to rely totally on the spirit of God. Heal our divided heart. Broken from the beginning. Yet we long to please you. We cannot seem to do what is good. Help us should be our cry.

AT YOUR WORD. Don't rely on your flesh it deceives you. It’s nature is to indulge. It’s desire is for comfort. Yet I alone comfort says the Lord. Let me embrace you. Let me heal you.

Bath is the deep. Within it is buried gold. But it is as ‘Legion’. The bible records that night and day this man wandered the tombs. NO ONE COULD BIND HIM (Mark 5).

Do not rely on what you think feels right.

There is a wind blowing. To one it is fresh air that is a welcome relief and to others it is something to quench.

How He longs to heal us.


Thursday, 6 December 2012

A word for Forerunners UK

In the book of Jeremiah the prophet challenges God’s people to pursue the ways and words of God over and above what seems to be contradicting this at the time.

In the sixth chapter and verse 16,  he challenges then to pause and to find God’s ways. We too are at a crucial point. It is not popular to follow God’s ways and to do things according to His words of LIFE.  These people, as we are, are challenged about WHO AND WHAT TO WORSHIP. This is a huge theme in this day and age and at this time of year. Indeed we are asked equally... what are we going to worship. We worship and bow down to so many other things in this day and age.  Is it through fear?
What does the word of God say?
At this time what are we going to bow down to?
When pursuing true healing and wholeness in this life there are so many ways. We truly stand at a junction and crossroads, but there is a way that might run contrary to what is popular.

God is able to make a way where there is no way, but (for us), it is only by listening and acting upon what He says.

Jeremiah lived at a time when the people needed DEEP HEALING and they were not getting it. The answer lay in hearing what God said.

Our Father says that He longs to help us and embrace us. He sees the real unresolved issues and what is actually in the heart. He longs for us to break patterns and MOVE ON.


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Where are you?

Sometimes we end up in a situation that feels almost impossible to move on from. We can feel totally alone and discouraged. I think many people find themselves wondering how did I get here. We can feel that we did our best but a totally burnt out by life. I think many people have a similar experience and this writing is aimed specifically at those whose experience of life has led them to an understanding of God.
So its almost as if God has lost touch with us and somehow lost track of our lives. Its like everything has been stripped away. All our normal means of coping. I think the biggest temptation is to think that this is what life is really about and that it doesn’t get any better.

The bible says in Isaiah that even youths grow weary and faint (Isaiah 40) and it expresses the frustration that we feel when it seems that everything has failed.


There is a lot to be said for this. When we are in the place of utter discouragement we can tend to think that life is very small and its hard to do anything. There is a lot to be said for getting out into the fresh air. But it’s more than that. In Romans 1:20, its says that we are "without excuse" when it comes to believing that nature was created by God. There is often a pattern and a ‘stumbling block’, in our experience of life.

Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord... In the story of Gideon. Once again, in this favourite story of mine, it says that the people hid in caves because of the enemy attacks in their land... and so we find Gideon hiding what little he had. But the angel came to him and presented him with a choice. Will you vacate your cave or believe that you are loved by God and could once again be useful.


God said to Elijah in his cave... GO OUT AND STAND OUTSIDE and LISTEN
We know that God’s revelation came to him.
In this land in which we live and the boundaries of your life... WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE?

Daniel Chuter

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Push through (again)

“would you annul my judgement, would you condemn me that you may be justified, have you an arm like God’ (Job 40:7)

I disciplined you for your own good. I wanted to see which way you would go... self righteousness or my way.

As I have shown mercy so you must.

My servant Job was right in his understanding but wrong in his opinion of me... I allowed the hardship to come upon him but no ear has heard what I have planned in RESTORATION.

So too your understanding of my judgements is limited and distorted through your own experience. Job was surrounded by well meaning but short sighted people. They were wrong in their opinions. So too you have surrounded yourselves in the opinions of others. They only know part of the story.


Your distortion prevents you from fully seeing.


When my people had a chance to enter the land, many of them only saw giants... What do you see. When David faced Goliath Saul’s armour didn’t fit him. Don’t allows others to put their stuff on you... what are you anointed for.

Job forgave his friends and prayed for them.

I addressed Job’s FEAR... fear can lead to the wrong choice. Job said..what I feared the most has happened. Let me heal this.


Saturday, 3 November 2012

Push through!

Push through! There is gold in the rubble; diamonds in the rough.

The disciples said, “we have fished all night and caught nothing”; but jesus said, “go again”
The man that was born blind must have found it hard going and even stumbled when he arose and began to walk to the pool, as jesus commanded in John 9.

Don’t be afraid of their faces! But we say “I am only a child what can I do?”
You must speak what I tell you and go to where I tell you, says The Lord.

SEND YOUR WORD O’God... as the snow falls from heaven (Isaiah 55).

The Lord has heard the cries of His people. He has seen their burdens and oppression.  Who will go for me?

The wind picks up as we walk forward. The wind makes a way where there is no way. The wind is the wind of God’s judgement and His judgement is...


Nb: The above was written 3rd Nov 2012. 
This was the scene out the window, in Somerset, the NEXT day:

Thank you Lord for illustrating the point.

Daniel Chuter

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A word for the righteous in this land

He is coming to help you.

You sit in your tent in the heat of the day. You have worked so hard in the dry and heat. Your soul and flesh cry out for the living God.... and He hears you. For too long have you been lied to and made to believe that there is no more. Hope deferred makes the heart grow sick. Only He can see the real state of the heart of man. Shouts go out to remove the stumbling block that has always caused you to fall.  He has seen your ways and He will heal you.

He comes to the terebinth trees. They were the place of pagan worship. He walks into the enemies camp. He comes when you give up, when it seems impossible. He will be found with those who need a doctor.

He came to Abraham in this way and promises what seems to be impossible.

He comes to have a look.

He waits.

He comes down and stands with us in our situation.

He reaches out His hand to you.

Daniel Chuter

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A word to the churches in Bath, UK

Here is an important insight, from the book of Haggai, by Daniel Chuter for the churches in the city of Bath, UK. Given June 2011.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

A word for the church in Bath

How I long to embrace you. Deep healing. You have done well with so little. You have a little strength and have resisted those who tried to control you. But let me heal you.  Come in from the cold, you must be frozen. Your heart was broken and you finally collapsed. You grew physically but were frozen in your hurt. A spell was cast over you... who has bewitched you. You cannot earn my love but years of hard work and effort merely made you resentful.
But I heard your cries for help your song in the night your deep sighs. You cannot heal yourself.

Even young men grow weary and fall. So come let us reason together. Reach for my hand.

I watched from the hills as you returned I saw the determination in your face. But I saw you stumble because you had so little light.

Let me embrace you and heal your fear. All your life you have been brave even thou you were so scared.

I alone know the plans I have for you. I have gone before you and made a way. No more will I let you stagger through life, gritting your teeth.

I have a role for you in this nation, but let me equip you.

Daniel Chuter

Thursday, 20 September 2012

A word for this nation (the church)

Because my people run to Egypt when problems arise, to wisdom not born of me, there is no stability.  Everything will be shaken. Your hands still hold tightly onto things that are not important. Everything will be shaken and you will be shaken with it; because you do not acknowledge my help in your past history, how I saved you from war and famine, and you say in your heart "I will go after my lovers who give me food and drink", I will block your path with thorn bushes. I will wall you in so you cannot find your way. You will chase after your lovers but not catch them... your pursuers will be swift.

I will allure into the desert and speak tenderly to her. I see the wound that was never healed. I see that you were crushed. I see that you despair.
How I have longed to embrace you. If you would let me hug you it would melt away all the pain.
I was crushed for your iniquity.
I will not break a bruised reed or put out a smouldering wick. Once again the flame can burn brightly in this land.

Do not hide your pain from me. They lie about me. I long to help you.
I see the heart, and I see how people use a blunt tool to deal with such a sensitive wound. I see how you long to get up when up and down this land  they cry 'arise'. But I know how that sounds to you and how afraid you are. I know that you have learning disabilities  and that those are the consequence of years and generations of torment. But there is a way.
King David said in psalm 139... "if I made my bed in the depths you are there".
I have heard your cries.

Daniel Chuter

Monday, 17 September 2012

A word for the church in this nation

You have ploughed the hard ground in Winter. I see your diligence. That you have become stronger.  But you break up the ground that was compacted by the feet of marching invaders and when it is cleared they trample it again. You have grown tired and wear clothes that don't keep you warm…. Come to me.

I will lay my mantle on your shoulders. My arm is extended to you. But let me hold you.

Let me melt your fear. The melt water that will flow as you thaw I will turn to wine… new wine. This is what you where born for.

You will pass through this ground with ease. You will rebuild the ruins with joy in your heart…. Come to me…. my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Daniel Chuter

Sunday, 16 September 2012


Clouds and vultures gather beyond the borders.
May The Lord keep Israel safe in the decision it makes.
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) 17th September... interesting year ahead for us all.

Jesus (Yeshua) is messiah and King of the Jews. May the church be at the standard to provoke them to jealousy, and sing "Blessed is HE, who comes in the name of The Lord"

David Robinson

UPDATE 17/9/2012 :
Absolutely NO earthquakes in the whole world today - none... quite rare!
Monitored the IRIS website all day.
The screenshot was taken at 7.30pm UK time on 17th September 2012.
The significance? Today (17/9/2012) was Rosh Hashanah (New year in Israel - lots of prophetic symbolism) - Sunset to sunset has been the first day of Tishrei. Just thought it was worth recording.

Taken Sunset 17th February 2012

Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the fulfilment of Rosh Hashanah. In Him is forgiveness, a new start, goodness as well as "Apples and Honey". Believe in Him... and your name will be in the 'Book of Life', forever! Bless you Israel!!!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

For those in this nation who once knew God.

A word for those in this nation who once knew God.

I watch on the horizon for your return.  I would run to see you come home.  How I long to embrace you.

I see your torment.  I see how you bravely stumble through but harbour such pain.  Only I can heal you.

You are proud of your head knowledge and don’t see that vain imagination clings to you.  You share the land with my enemy and don’t challenge him.

You hired yourself out when you were starving.  You became a slave but think you are free.  The people that claim to help you are not your friends.  They just want you on their side for their own selfish reasons.

It breaks my heart to see you stumble.  You nearly fall but still remain stubborn.  Come to the well.  The fountain of living water.  I would give you a drink that would satisfy.

You play with fire when you do the things that seem so right at the moment.  Even now there is a door through which to return. You must realise that you will get burnt if you stand too close.

My body needs you.  They await your return.  They are an incomplete force.  My body body hurts.

Don’t wait until it’s too late, because everything that I have said will happen and then it’s too late. So return to me and I will heal you.  You will be fully alive.

Daniel Chuter

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Prophetic Encouragement (general)

The fullness of the Holy Spirit is here for you.
You know where it is, you know where to get it.
Have no fear of man, step into your destiny with God.
He will not let your foot slip.
God has said many times "Do not fear."
In His presence there is no fear.
You have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, go there!

Robert Jones

Saturday, 8 September 2012

A word for Foxhill community & Forerunners U.K. team

..and so you will be blown like the wind, and like leaves falling from the tree you will be lifted up and taken to where the need is in this area. God’s Spirit will lead you to the SOS calls that ring out now in this area. As in the past you knew what it was like to be tossed back and forth by circumstances. Many of you were overwhelmed and dictated to in the negative; but you have turned a corner and I have seen your heart. If you are willing and obedient I will rebuild this broken city. This area is like a war bombed site to me, many in individual battles have raged over the years... but if you allow me I will direct you.  Do not be afraid. I will blow you into Pharaoh’s court, like Moses and you will demand that my people are set free.

This is not a small thing but to you it is an adventure. Many faithful people have prayed into this area, but they stand intimidated on the edge of the valley just as the armies stood back afraid of Goliath.

Allow my Spirit to work on you, as the enclosed gardens that you are. It is time that the fragrance blew out... others need to smell the fragrance. People need to know that I have heard them... but be encouraged that I have gone before you... rejoice that your names are written in heaven not that the demons submit in my name.

John Wesley found Bath unfruitful so it is important that you work as a team for it is in the combination of your anointings that work must be done. However only the Lord can cause the miracle and it’s willingness and obedience. Obedience to listen to the combination of numbers that will crack the code in this area. So I give this wisdom in order. My Spirit is one of order. The enemy can defeat that which is out of order.

Daniel Chuter